Yea, this blog has sucked since I started working. Without storylines and writing-manpower it's tough to keep the pace that the BSP was seeing in May and June. I would like to add some more writers to the mix, and thought that I had mere weeks ago, but the budget just isn't there for the time being. In the meantime, I've been a combination of lazy and uninterested. The blog has suffered as a result, but I'm sure the world has spun at the same exact pace. If all 9 of BSP's readers are in outrage over the lack of posting, please let me know so that I can tell you to fuck off.
A few weeks ago, when Brett Favre decided to announce his retirement for the eleventh time, nobody believed he was for real, including me. Rightfully so. The joke that continues to be Brett Fart has embarrassed himself once again. What's it been? Three or four years in a row now where he thinks he's fooling everyone by announcing his retirement? The worst thing about the whole ordeal(s) is the fact that the media absolutely eats the story up every year and runs with it for weeks or months on end. We already know that ESPN has become the Comedy Central of sports. They are physical and mentally incapable of delivering actual news these days. But back to Favre. Aside from Lebron James and Ulf Samuelsson, I'm not sure that there is a single more despiseable athlete for me. Yes, I do think he was robbed of the MVP award last year, but I still absolutely hate the man. Regardless of what he accomplished in the regular season in '09, it's common knowledge by now that he's choked away big games routinely over the past decade. So him saying that he came back "for his team" and to help them win a championship is complete fucking bullshit. Yea, maybe he's coming back out of love for the game...but I'm guessing that $20 million had something to do with his decision. Of course, he could have handled it like any other normal athlete and just never retired (fully knowing he was coming back anyways). But no, Brett Favre has to be recognized as a savior of the Purple. He has to be seen 10 years from now as the "ironman" who just wouldn't quit on his team. Rather than go through a non-dramatic offseason, he needs to have all the attention on him and would humbly like to be recognized as the greatest human to walk the planet. Fuck Favre. I said a few weeks ago that I'd only buy a retirement from him when he was 6 feet in the ground. So, Brett, go drive yourself off a fucking cliff you piece of shit.
I got the most angry segment of the post out of the way first, but it doesn't get much better from here. This time it's about the Ellsbury's and the Pedroia's of the world, more of the anger is directed at Ellsbury. First off, kudos to Theo Epstein on this one, and I've probably said this before. But the whole point of signing Mike Cameron was to be able to conserve Jacoby's body and place him in left, where he would supposedly be "less susceptible to injuries." Well, not only is Mike Cameron a corpse and a waste of all that money, but moving Jacoby to left actually resulted in him suffering the most "serious" injury of his career. Oh, and god forbid we parted with the guy last offseason for Adrian Gonzalez. Why have a perennial MVP candidate and 40 HR hitter when you can have a guy that steals 70 bases and still can't score 100 runs when playing for one of the best offensive teams in baseball and hitting leadoff. Anyways, Jacoby has missed the better part of this year (and probably the rest of it) with...queue the "laugh box"...a broken rib! If I were to venture an educated guess as to the amount of games Tom Brady or even Marc Savard has played with a broken rib, I wouldn't be able to count the amount on both hands and feet. So the fact that Ellsbury has A.) missed so many games due to a pussy injury and B.) left the team completely to "rehab" the injury basically sums up why so many Sox fans have abandoned ship this year. I love Pedroia, as a player and as a personality, but he's adding to the Red Sox team image this year. They are a team with a pussy mentality. They are missing Ellsbury because of his ribs, Mike Cameron because his teeth fell out, Pedroia because he bruised his foot, and Youkilis because of a THUMB injury. Add to that the fact that Beckett and Dice-K had their seasonal injuries and the reality of Papelbon being a douchbag and an overall shitty player these days and BAM, you have a recipe for fans jumping ship. Yea, the Pats are dealing with injuries and the Bruins are fresh off an injury plagued season, but at least their players missed time with real injuries...torn MCL's, ACL's, concussions, etc.
Speaking of the Bruins, tickets to their Rookie Game vs. the Islanders in mid-September went on sale, and they're only $5 each. So for $5 bucks I get to see a sneak preview of Tyler Seguin, Joe Colborne, and the rest of the Bruins future stars...and that's a bargain.
On a blog note...I would like to blog about the Patriots' preseason thus far, but I missed last nights game against the Falcons due to exhaustion, so I can't give a good review (unless the people want me to plagiarize LB's morning recap from the Hillman Morning Show). So, it is my hope that our football correspondent will step up to the plate and offer the readers (and myself) his thoughts on the Patriots outlook this year and what they've accomplished since mid-April and the NFL Draft. Brian, put pen to paper before school starts back up and you start bitching about your "absurd" workload and how tough it is to balance school and blogging. GET ON IT.
Hopefully I'll get another post up tomorrow or Sunday, but for now that's all I got...so don't call me Shirley.
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